Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

The Angels

Why should we go from home the place we grown with angels that kept us alive?
Why we left them far away from us and in the end,we are ended as a bastard?
Why we ignore them when we grow up and they grow old?
Dont we have to sorry for all the time in our life?


For long I searched for the because. And I still failed to find the most reasonable because.
Nothing is an answer for the question why we left them apart.

Because we need to stand by ourselves? Dont we need to taking care of them after they grow us up for all the time of their life?

Because of what?

Because we need to look for the foods,the shelters,the clothes that keep us warm?

Or maybe just because we want to run away from them. Prove the career we can hold. But in the end, we are really miss them so much. And feel sorry to left them away,and on that time,all the things happen are already late,they already gone,and they are living forever in our heart.
You miss the hugs,you miss the smile,you miss the pray,you miss ..the angels..

Bapak and Ibu....

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