Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

#DaysOfChange #3

Biarpun belum pulang dan masih duduk di kubikel nan loetjoe ini,marilah kita review hari ini.

Despite the day has not over yet,I'll keep you posted anyway.

Dimulai dari pagi hari dengan sukses mengusir kemalasan. Bangun sedikit kesiangan,dan berlari kearah halte busway tepat pukul 5.30 AM.
Lalu mengisi satu jam kedepan dalam kubangan mesin-mesin pencacah kalori. Well,kalau hari sebelumnya aku cuma bisa menyelesaikan sesi latihan kardio untuk 4 kilometer,hari ini aku menyelesaikan berbagai sesi dalam 5 kilometer. Not bad for a newbie.

Pekerjaan menunggu. Actually I have so many things to be done. I mean,randomly,some random jobs come and wait for me. Actually again,that was a new knowledge.

Contohnya. Di mejaku sudah ada kertas berisi request assisting pengadaan produk SAN. Even I just know SUN. SAN ini adalah Storage Area Network. The f*cking sales team asked me to assist them how to everything about this product. In the morning I became a presales engineer. Jadi,mau tak mau aku menelan semua modul tentang SAN dan bagaimana itu bisa diaplikasikan di jaringanku.

Matahari sedikit beranjak siang. Dan aku berubah menjadi engineer FO untuk pekerjaan pembangunan backbone Jakarta-Karawang.

Selepas sore,my boss called me on the phone. He suddenly asked me..really asked..."Berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan oleh satu perusahaan kalau dalam kawasan itu dipasang FTTH?"..thats all and he hang up the phone. He didnt mention..oh he forgot to mention the size of his kawasan,the amount of his perusahaan and what form he used to define his biaya itu. He forgot to mention the most important variable thing for me to calculate the investment. So in 10 minutes I flash calculate it for him. Recall all iLma(s) that I have in my mind,and asked them to calculate the most impossible investment ever. Ini semacam kutukan mungkin,atau cobaan,atau uji nyali,mengingat tema Tugas Akhir S1 ku dulu tentang menghitung bilangan tanpa form. Mampus kau dikoyak karanganmu sendiri.
Okay,so I called my boss and we talked bla bla bla. So you can take a lesson here. For one company in an industrial area,if we applied FTTH for them,they need to charge IDR 15.000.000 each.

And that's not over. My job is still continuing ...learning for Fleet Management System for a small discussion with my boss tommorrow morning.
So right now,I have some moduls with different subjects in my table. One for Storage,one for Fleet Management,another for triple play.

And near the end of the day,my friend told me that my clothes on backward. Alias kebalik. Ahahahahhaa well well well.

And I miss my husband so much. I want him to be here. Huhuhu

He is also one of my reasons why I run my #DaysOfChange. These are the small steps everyday to make a big impact in future days. 

Okay,this is my 3rd day without rice. Hohoho...

Dont worry,I am fine.

This is my life. That is why I "love" it. Random is very good to live a life. Keep consistent. Stay Real.

See you

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