Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Nemu Surat Cinta

Hahaha..sebenernya lagi bersih-bersih kandang si surel sih, trus tau-tau nemu surat cinta jaman dulu. Btw, pas baca ini, kok bisa yah bikin surat cinta hahaha..tapi sebagai penanda rilisnya aku dari masa lampaw, ya aku bacanya indah aja, kagum sama diri sendiri, bisa yah aku berfantasi. Wkwkwkwkw...Eh ga perlu dilihat buat siapanya. Ini murni hasil karya orang yang lagi jatuh cinta. Thats all. Thats it.


Balikpapan, October 2009
I just love you.

It takes two to love each other, but it needs one to broke up.

Like an ancient sky, saving memories about Big Bang, then create Himiko, crashed moment between two gigantic galaxy become one gigantic galaxy. I know you have your memories about your Big Bang. Whole world have past. Moreover human. Moreover you. But, can we talk about future? Talk about new galaxy that possible to be born?Maybethe new Andromeda, more beautifull than Hoag's Object, M81,Supernova, or maybe Grand Spiral, in a Canis Major. Is it possible for me?
I want you to be my Ophiuchus. I can keep you always. Not only in the blue, but also in the dark even the darkest sky. I want you to be my answer. So will you?
Let me try my best, Let Allah decide the best.

Love you

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